Teaching Grant Challenges
The Reading to the Rescue project, which is funded through the MHEF Teaching Grant Challenge program, is a partnership between the HHS Academy at Mountain Home High School Career Academies, the Mountain Home Kindergarten, Auto Services and the North Central Arkansas Humane Society. The goals of the project include learning business skills, increasing literacy, and promoting awareness for the adoption of animals. HHS students are working closely with Tammy Knight from Auto Services to plan and implement various events throughout the school year within the school and community.
Students have been involved in marketing the needs of the Humane Society using a variety of methods. Under the guidance of Tammy Knight, students have discussed target markets, developed teams to implement marketing strategies, and learned to critique outcomes of various projects. The high school students will be organizing a project event whereby Humane Society dogs will visit the Kindergarten so the younger students can read to the animals.
Students have been involved in marketing the needs of the Humane Society using a variety of methods. Under the guidance of Tammy Knight, students have discussed target markets, developed teams to implement marketing strategies, and learned to critique outcomes of various projects. The high school students will be organizing a project event whereby Humane Society dogs will visit the Kindergarten so the younger students can read to the animals.
Reading to the Rescue -- MHEF Teaching Grant |
HHS Academy at MHHSCA Auto Services |
From Crafts to Cash
Guy Berry Middle School Students from Guy Berry Middle School will be working with Tami Barrow of Southern Tag and Label. The students will be guided to create their own business, Guy Berry Manufacturing and Design. Students will set up an organizational chart, create their own unique logo and produce their own special product. Students will produce and market a product while learning literacy, numeracy and business soft skills. Students learn printing concepts while visiting Southern Tag and Label facilities. As the grant challenge evolves, Guy Berry students will create their own business model.
From Crafts to Cash
GBCCA Middle School Southern Tag & Label |